The New World of Video & Social Media in Student Recruitment
(Matthew Pellish, CampusReel)
Matt Pellish, Vice President, Strategy and Business Development at CampusReel, provides symposium attendees with a deep dive in to the data and the details about how video is consumed. We explore the innovative approach that Campus Reel is using to help colleges and universities keep their video content timely, authentic, relatable, and sustainable.

Predictive Modeling in EM: Uses & Misuses

(Robert Mirabile, BPS and Roland Stark, Integrative Statistics)

Roland Stark of Integrative Statistics and Robert Mirabile of Best Practice Solutions discuss predictive modeling and how colleges and universities should be using it to guide decision making, particularly in uncertain times.

Financial Aid Communication & Transparency in Enrollment Management

(Mischa Brown, Huston-Tillotson University)

Mischa Brown of Huston-Tillotson University discusses overcoming barriers, providing transparency & talking directly to students about applying for aid.